Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why Networking Is Important to Being a Freelance Writer

Networking is absolutely crucial for a freelance writer online. Why? Well, there are lots of reasons, ranging from marketing yourself to getting a fan base with regular readers.

Networking can and will improve your career as a freelance writer in various ways, and if you neglect to network, you won't succeed in this business. At least, you won't reach your full potential.

Networking Can Land You Jobs
By networking with others, you build a basis of communication, establish yourself as a real person, and keep yourself at the forefront of the minds of whomever you are networking with, which means that you can land yourself jobs. Maybe you are networking with the editor of a magazine or the owner of a very successful website. You have made it clear that you are a freelance writer. You have kept in touch, showing an interest but not pushing yourself. You are now at the top of the list for this person when they think of a freelance writer.

Networking Will Gain You Page Views
For those of you writing freelance articles for an online collection, such as Associated Content or eHow or one of the other various PV sites, then you know that you earn money for page views. And that makes page views entirely important. They best way to get page views isn't to wait around for someone to stumble across your articles. It's to market them, and that means networking. Tell everyone you know that you are a freelance writer. Pass around your link. Start a Facebook group. Get followers on Twitter. Anything you can think of to make sure people know what you write and where you write.

Networking Can Grow Your Fanbase
When you get more people to read your articles, you will get more fans, and more fans means more regular readers. The more readers you have, the more credible you look. I know, it seems kind of stupid, but by looking credible, you become more credible.

To read an article on "Why Networking With Other Writers Is Important", please click here.

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