"With all the errands you have to run, the house you have to run and keep clean, the kids and spouse (and probably the dogs) that you have to feed and organize, the day-job you might have, it might feel like there is never any time to get a single word written. Trust me, we all have those days (or weeks) when we feel like we just don't have time to do anything at all. But the plain truth is, you can find time. You just have to take the opportunity when it arises. No, you might not find two solid hours to sit down and write, but if you can sneak in 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there, the time starts to add up..."
That's the intro to an article I wrote listing 18 ways to sneak in some writing time. (Go ahead and click the title of this post for the full list.)
Life always seems to get in the way of writing, but if you are serious about writing, you need to make time for it. Like I said, 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there makes 10, and that starts to add up pretty quickly.
Try these 5 times to sneak in five minutes of writing:
1. The waiting room at the doctor's office
2. Waiting in line at the grocery store check-out
3.Waiting for your food to arrive at a restaurant
4. During your break at work
5. Waiting for your child's practice or rehearsal to end
That's the intro to an article I wrote listing 18 ways to sneak in some writing time. (Go ahead and click the title of this post for the full list.)
Life always seems to get in the way of writing, but if you are serious about writing, you need to make time for it. Like I said, 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there makes 10, and that starts to add up pretty quickly.
Try these 5 times to sneak in five minutes of writing:
1. The waiting room at the doctor's office
2. Waiting in line at the grocery store check-out
3.Waiting for your food to arrive at a restaurant
4. During your break at work
5. Waiting for your child's practice or rehearsal to end
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